Programs Supporting Families
Family Preservation & Reunification
This program is an intensive, home-based, multi-component intervention program designed to maintain children safely within their own homes, or to facilitate reunification after out-of-home placements.
We offer counselling and practical life skills training, access to community services and case coordination, as well as parenting and problem-solving techniques that are focused on challenges identified by the family and the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD).
Services may also include supervised access visits and referrals to our skill-building parent education groups. Support is goal oriented and time limited (ideally 6 months). Note: Access to this program is via referral MCFD.
Family Support
This program is open to parents or community members who are providing parenting care to children/young people under the age of 19. You can self-refer to Family Support or ask another community organization to refer on your behalf.
Our highly trained Family Enhancement Counsellors (FECS) will provide you with at least 7 free sessions of collaborative, solution-focused counselling highlighting family concerns that you identify. We aim to increase your caregiving confidence, enhance your positive parenting techniques and connect you with other community resources as needed.
Services are voluntary and offered in a way that works best for you, either in your home, in our office, or on-line via Teams.
Support to Parents of Teens: Parenting during this often challenging time in your child’s life can be exhausting. Services are designed to improve relationships between parents and teens by providing support to parents via counselling and supported Parent-Teen Conflict resolution sessions. See our Youth Programs section for more information.
Contact Us directly for more information on these programs.
Programs For Young Children
Youth & Family offers a variety fo free Early Years programs and activities for children ages 0-8. These programs and /or groups are aimed at helping parents and young ones get out of the house and connect with one another in the community, increasing their support network, their parenting confidence, and especially their joy while watching their children have fun in a safe and supportive environment.
Check our Monthly Calendar for dates and times. These programs are free.
Pitter Patter
Let’s have some fun in the Gym. Bring your children to run and play! Equipment, mats and toys are provided. Parent participation is encouraged.
Snug Bugs
Sensory Friendly Playgroup
A sensory friendly playgroup for ages 0-6. Join us in a creative, inclusive and safe space for neurodiverse and sensitive little ones, to play, interact and discover. Parent participation required. All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you soon.
Mondays 10:00am to 11:30am Starting Jan. 20th, 2025
Drop-in, no need to register. Youth & Family: 5814 Ash Ave.
Lower level, use entrance off Walnut Street
Facilitated by Lesley Sutherland, Youth & Family:
and Genevieve St-Pierre, BSW Inclusion:
The ORCA Bus
The ORCA Bus is an early years outreach program that happens, you guessed it, on a bus! The ORCA Bus is a renovated school bus with a cozy interior play area and mobile resources serving the qathet region. Youth & Family love having the ORCA Bus to provide all children with regular opportunities to access early years services.
On board you will find an inviting play space with many educational toys and activities to foster your child’s social-emotional growth and development. Play and discovery are important and encouraged in the ORCA programs.
The bus also carries resources and referral opportunities for families.
Programs are facilitated by Youth & Family’s qualified Family Enhancement Counsellors. Thanks to the support of the qathet Regional District, other valued ORCA donors and our amazing volunteer drivers!
Check our Monthly Calendar to see where and when the ORCA bus is parking for your visit.

Life is filled with joys and challenges. We are here to help.
Youth & Family services are inclusive to people of diverse cultures, physical abilities, gender identities and sexual orientations. You are safe here.
We respectfully acknowledge that we live and work on the traditional territory of the Tla’amin Nation.