Your Right To Confidentiality
We do not share any information about you outside of our organization without your consent. We will ask you to complete and sign a consent form for each person you agree can have information about you. This consent asks you to tell us what type of information you want to share with each person, so you can decide.
Limitations of Consent
Although you have the right to decide who sees information about you, there are certain situations where our organization is required by law to share some information about you without your consent.
This includes any information about:
• Abuse (this means hurting someone else, hurting yourself, or someone hurting you)
• Neglect (this means not taking are of yourself or someone else)
• Suicide Threats (this means saying you will hurt yourself or take your own life)
• Subpoenaed Information (this means a judge has given us a court order requiring us to share information)
If a situation is unsafe, we are required to report this as part of Critical Incident Reporting.
We will try to talk with you about this if possible.
Confidential Files
We keep the information you share with us in your individual record or file. This record includes all the information we gather to support you. It may include information from MCFD or information from other people that you have shared with us, such as a report from your doctor or a support plan. We also add notes about the time we spend with you, meetings or other work on your behalf. This is how we tract the support we provide and our progress in helping you reach your goals. Files are locked or password protected to ensure your privacy and confidentiality.
Access To Your Files
You have the right to review any information about you that is in your file. Requests to review files may require a format request through the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Our staff can help you with this.
Other Access To Files
MCFD and other funders may need to monitor our services to make sure they are working for you. They require us to share information about your service usage with them and to report any critical incidents or other concerns. As part of agreeing to services funded by them, you are consenting to this exchange of information.
We also follow best practice standards for our services and regularly renew our accreditation with CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities), an organization that helps us by sending surveyors to see our services and meet with participants. They look at a sample fo files so they can assess our practices. Surveyors are bound by confidentiality.
Electronic Communication
We respect your preferred choice of communication with us. However, it is important to know that your privacy is not guaranteed if you share information through text, e-mail or social media. It could be seen publicly. It is your responsibility to check and make sure you are comfortable with the privacy settings available to you using any of these communication methods.
Our Health Policy
Be Health Wise
If you, or someone you are close to is experiencing:
• Fever or Chills • Extreme Fatique or Tiredness • Cough or Sore Throat
• Headache or Body Aches • Loss or Sense of Smell or Taste
• Difficulty Breathing • Nausea or Vomiting • Diarrhea
or have been diagnosed with an Infectious Disease
PLEASE reschedule your visit for a later date.
Thank You.